hoya obovata

How to Grow and Care for Hoya Obovata

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Looking for an easy-to-grow houseplant? Check out Hoyas! 

Hoyas are tropical plants that can be grown indoors or outdoors in warm climates. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, and are known for their beautiful flowers. Hoyas are also one of the most forgiving plants when it comes to care – they’re perfect for beginners! 

Here’s how to grow and care for Hoya obovata.

Plant Facts

Scientific nameHoya obovata
Common namesWax plant
Plant TypeHouseplant
Height and Width12-20’ tall, 2’ wide
Flower colorsLight pink or white
Foliage colorDark green
Sun ExposureBright, indirect light 
Soil Type & pHAiry, well-draining soil
Special featuresEpiphytic plant, drought-tolerant, good for indoor growing

How to Grow Hoya Obovata

Hoya obovata is a beautiful and unique species of Hoya that is native to Indonesia. It is a relatively easy plant to grow and can be cultivated as either a houseplant or an outdoor plant. 

When growing H. obovata as a houseplant, it is best to place it in an east- or west-facing window where it will receive bright, indirect light. The plant prefers high humidity and moist soil, so be sure to water it regularly and mist the leaves with distilled water if the air in your home is dry. 

Additionally, keep an eye on the development of its flower stalks, as they are a key feature of this stunning plant.

If you live in an area with mild winters, you can also grow this plant outdoors. Just be sure to bring it indoors before the first frost. With proper care, this stunning plant will thrive and provide you with years of enjoyment. Here are more tips on how to grow it!


To propagate your houseplant, the best way is to take a stem cutting that is at least 6 inches long and has several leaves. Place the stem cuttings in a jar of water and put it in a sunny spot. After a few weeks, the roots will start to grow. 

Once the roots are 2-3 inches long, you can transplant the cutting into potting soil. Give the plant plenty of sunlight and water it regularly. 


While H. obovata can grow in a variety of soil types, it prefers to be planted in well-draining, loamy soil that is high in organic matter. This type of soil will help to keep the roots moist but not soggy, and will provide the plant with the nutrients it needs to thrive.

This plant can also be grown in a potting mix made specifically for succulents or cacti. However, it is important to make sure that this mix is well-draining, as the plant’s roots can rot if left too wet. Incorporating orchid bark into the potting mix can enhance drainage and aeration, ensuring optimal conditions for the plant’s growth.


When pruning Hoya Obovata, it is important to remove any dead or dying stems. Cut back the stems to just above a node, or leafnode. If the plant is overgrown, you can cut back up to one-third of the total length of the stems. Be sure to use sharp shears or a knife when cutting, and make clean cuts at an angle. 

After pruning, the plant will need some time to recover. water it regularly and provide it with bright, indirect light. With a little patience, your plant will soon be looking as good as new.

Repotting and Transplanting

H. obovata is a fast-growing plant and can quickly become pot-bound. 

Therefore, it is important to repot or transplant the plant every one to two years. When repotting or transplanting, be sure to use a well-draining potting mix and a pot that is only slightly larger than the current pot. 

The roots of Hoya obovata are fragile, so take care not to damage them when repotting or transplanting.

hoya obovata
Image by 阿橋 HQ | Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0

How to Care for Hoya Obovata 

Of all the plants you can grow indoors, H. obovata is one of the easiest. This succulent has low maintenance needs and doesn’t require a lot of light or water to thrive. Here are a few Hoya Obovata plant care tips.


When it comes to watering, the H. obovata is very tolerant and can withstand periods of drought. However, it’s important not to let the soil dry out completely, as this can cause leaf drop. 

The best way to water your houseplant is to wait until the top inch of soil is dry, then give it a good soaking. Allow the water to drain away freely, and never leave the plant sitting in water. 


When selecting a location for your plant, it is important to choose an area that receives bright, indirect sunlight. The plant can tolerate some shade, but too much darkness will cause the waxy leaves to become pale and unhealthy. 

In terms of sun exposure, the ideal location for your H. obovata would be an east- or west-facing window. This will provide the plant with the bright light it needs without subjecting it to direct sunlight, which can be harmful.

Temperature and Humidity

This plant thrives in warm, humid environments and typically requires a minimum temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. In terms of humidity, the plant prefers a range between 50-70%. If the humidity levels are too low, the leaves may become dry and brittle. 

Conversely, if the humidity levels are too high, the leaves may develop fungal diseases. For optimal growth, it is important to maintain consistent temperature and humidity levels.

The best way to do this is to invest in a quality thermometer and hygrometer. These devices will help you to monitor the temperature and humidity levels in your home, so you can make adjustments as needed. 

One way to increase humidity is to use a pebble tray. Fill a shallow dish with pebbles and water, and set your plant on top of the pebbles. The water will evaporate and create a humid environment around your plant. Another way to increase humidity is to mist your plant with water. 

Be sure to mist the leaves only as too much moisture on other plant parts can cause these parts of the plant to rot. You can also use a humidifier to maintain the ideal level of humidity for your plant. Just be sure to clean the humidifier regularly to prevent mold or mildew from growing. 


Fertilizing H. obovata is important to ensure its continued health and growth. 

When fertilizing H. obovata, use a fertilizer that is high in phosphorus. This will help encourage blooming. Apply the fertilizer in early spring and mid-summer. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to leaf burn. water the plant deeply after fertilizer application to help prevent root burn. 

Pest and diseases

Hoya obovata is a popular houseplant due to its low maintenance requirements and ability to tolerate severe neglect. However, the plant is susceptible to a number of pests and diseases. Common pests include aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, and spider mites. These pests can cause leaf discoloration, stunted growth, and flower bud drop.

Common diseases include powdery mildew, sooty mold, root rot, and leaf spot. These diseases are often caused by overwatering or poor drainage. 

To prevent pests and diseases from damaging your plant, it is important to carefully monitor watering schedules and keep an eye out for early signs of trouble. Let’s take a closer look.

Aphids and Mealybugs

Aphids and mealybugs are two of the most common pests that attack houseplants. Both insects feed on plant sap, causing leaves to yellow and wilt. In severe cases, aphids and mealybugs can completely kill a plant. 

Fortunately, there are a few simple steps that can be taken to prevent or treat an infestation. First, it is important to regularly inspect your plants for signs of insects. If you see any aphids or mealybugs, promptly remove them by hand or with a mild soap solution. 

Avoid over-watering your hoya flowers, as this can create conditions that are favorable for insect growth. 

Finally, consider using an insecticide if the problem persists. 

Scale Insects

To prevent scale insects from infesting your houseplants, be sure to inspect them regularly and remove any infested leaves or stems promptly. If you do find scale insects on your hoya blooms, you can treat them with an insecticide specifically designed for use on houseplants.

Spider Mites

Spider mites are small arachnids that feed on plant sap. They are most commonly found on the undersides of leaves, and they can cause a great deal of damage to plants. The first symptom of a spider mite infestation is usually a yellowing or bronzing of the leaves. The leaves may also develop small dots or stipples. 

If the infestation is severe, the leaves may drop off entirely. In order to prevent spider mites, it is important to inspect your plants regularly. If you do find evidence of spider mites, you can try using a variety of methods to get rid of them. These include insecticidal soap, neem oil, and horticultural oil. You can also try putting your plants in quarantine and treating them with an artificial miticide.

Sooty Mold

Sooty mold is a black, powdery fungus that forms on the leaves of plants that have been infested with aphids or other sucking insects. The insects secrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which provides an ideal environment for sooty mold to grow. Plants with sooty mold may appear stunted or faded and their leaves may drop prematurely.

To control sooty mold, it is necessary to control the population of aphids or other sucking insects. This can be done by spraying the plant with water to remove the insects, or by using an insecticide designed to kill aphids.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is another fungal disease that affects houseplants. It is characterized by a white, powdery growth on the leaves and stems of the plant. Powdery mildew can cause the leaves of infected plants to yellow or brown and eventually drop off. 

In severe cases, powdery mildew can kill the plant. To prevent powdery mildew from occurring, it is important to water plants at the base instead of wetting the leaves. Additionally, good air circulation around the plant will help, too.

Root Rot

Symptoms of root rot include yellowing leaves, wilting, and stunted growth. The leaves may also fall off the plant prematurely.

A quick treatment is to remove the affected plant from its pot and soak the roots in a solution of bleach and water. After a few minutes, rinse the roots thoroughly and replant the plant in a fresh potting mix.

Leaf Spot

Leaf spot is characterized by small, dark spots that appear on the leaves. In severe cases, the spots may coalesce to form large patches of dead tissue. To get rid of it, trim away any affected leaves and dispose of them in the trash. Then, apply a fungicide to the plant according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 

Common Varieties and Cultivars

Hoya obovata is a species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae, native to Thailand. The plant is closely related to other varieties of hoya, such as H. carnosa and H. kerrii. However, there are no known cultivars or varieties of H. obovata

If you’re new to growing hoyas, you may want to start with one of the following varieties: Hoya carnosa, Hoya pubicalyx, or Hoya lacunosa

All of these plants are relatively easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions. Hoya carnosa is especially well-suited for beginners, as it is one of the most forgiving hoya species.


Does Hoya Obovata like to climb?

Yes, Hoya Obovata is a climbing plant that produces long, vining stems. Given support, it will naturally climb and twine.

Does a Hoya plant need direct sunlight?

While Hoya plants can tolerate some direct sunlight, they generally prefer bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch their leaves, so it’s best to place them in a location where they receive filtered or indirect sunlight for most of the day.

How often should I water my Hoya?

The frequency of watering for Hoya plants depends on various factors such as the time of year, the humidity level, and the potting medium. As a general guideline, allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings, then water thoroughly, ensuring excess water drains away. In winter or during periods of dormancy, reduce watering frequency.


If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant, the H. obovata is a great option. With our hoya obovata care guide, your plant will be healthy and happy for years to come. Thanks for reading!

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