monstera siltepecana

How to Grow and Care for Monstera Siltepecana (Silver Monstera)

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If you’re looking for an eye-catching and unique houseplant, then you should consider growing a Monstera Siltepecana (Silver Monstera). This tropical plant is easy to care for, and with the right conditions, it will grow quickly.

In this post, we will teach you how to grow and care for your Silver Monstera. Keep reading to learn more!

Plant Facts

Scientific nameMonstera Siltepecana
Common namesSilver Monstera
Plant TypeHouseplant
Height and Width6’ tall, 4’ wide
OriginSouth and Central America
Flower colorsNone
Foliage colorDark green with pale green variegation (dark green veins)
Sun ExposureBright, indirect sunlight 
Soil Type & pHWell-drained
Special featuresLow Maintenance, attractive foliage

How to Grow Silver Monstera

Silver Monstera is a popular houseplant that is easy to care for. It grows quickly and can be a beautiful addition to any room. It can even be grown in a hanging basket! Here are some tips on how to grow your own Silver Monstera.


For anyone who loves indoor plants, the silver monster is a must-have. With its large, glossy leaves and elegant shape, it adds a touch of luxury to any space. And best of all, it’s easy to propagate. 

Monsteras can be propagated by division or by taking stem cuttings. Division is the quickest and easiest method, but it does require dividing a healthy mother plant.

To divide, simply remove one of the plants from its pot and gently pull it apart into two or more sections. Each section should have its own roots and at least one leaf node. Ensure that each new section has a drainage hole in its pot.

Once divided, replant the sections in their own pots and water well. For stem cuttings, choose a healthy stem with at least two leaves and cut it just below a leaf node. 

Dip the cut end in rooting hormone (optional) and plant in a pot filled with moistened potting mix. Water well and place in a warm location with adequate light, but out of direct sunlight.

New roots should form within 4-6 weeks. The cutting has taken root if new foliage appears.

With a little patience and care, anyone can propagate silver monster plants and enjoy their beauty for years to come.


One important aspect of silver monster care is choosing the right type of soil. Monstera siltepecana prefers a well-drained potting mix with a neutral pH. 

The mix should be light and airy, allowing for good drainage and aeration. Perlite is a good option, as is orchid bark, pumice, and sphagnum moss.

Silver Monstera will also appreciate a layer of mulch on top of the soil to help retain moisture and keep roots cool. When choosing a potting mix, be sure to avoid mixes that are too dense or too heavy, as these can lead to problems with drainage.


Silver Monstera are beautiful, easy-to-care-for plants that make a great addition to any home. Although they are relatively low-maintenance, they do require some occasional pruning to keep them looking their best. 

The best time to prune your silver monster is in the spring. Start by removing any dead or damaged leaves, then trim back any long or overgrown stems. Next, cut back the main stem by about one-third, making sure to leave some healthy leaves at the top of the plant. 

Finally, tidy up the edges of the plant by pruning away any stray leaves or stems. Use a moss pole or trellis to support the plant and allow it to climb as it grows.

With a little bit of care and attention, your silver monster will continue to thrive for years to come.

Repotting and Transplanting

Silver Monstera are tough, fast-growing plants that can quickly outgrow their pots. If you notice your silver monster getting crowded, it’s time to report it. 

Choose a pot that is two or three inches wider than the current one and has drainage holes. Fill the new pot with fresh potting mix, then carefully remove your silver monster from its old pot. 

Gently loosen the roots and replant them in the new pot. Water well and fertilize monthly. You may also need to stake the plant to keep it from toppling over.

If you want to transplant your silver monster into the ground, choose a spot in partial shade. Dig a hole that is twice as wide as the root ball and mix in some compost. Gently remove the plant from its pot and replant in the hole. Water well and mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture. 

Once planted, Silver Monstera are drought tolerant and only need to be watered when the soil is dry to the touch. With a little care, your silver monster will thrive for years to come.

Monstera Siltepecana Care Guide

If you’re lucky enough to have a Silver Monster in your home, you’ll want to learn how to take care of it properly!

This tropical plant is beautiful and easy to grow indoors as long as you provide the right conditions. Keep reading for tips on watering, light, and soil requirements. Your Silver Monstera will thank you!


The watering needs of a silver monster will vary depending on the time of year and the environment in which it is grown. In general, however, this plant does best when the soil is kept moist but not soggy. 

During the actively growing season, water Silver Monstera once or twice a week, making sure to allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. In the winter, cut back on watering, allowing the soil to dry out more completely between watering. 

When watering Silver Monstera, be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Also, make sure to use lukewarm water, as cold water can shock the roots and damage the plant.

If you use tap water instead of other kinds of water, like rainwater, in your watering schedule, you may want to filter it to ensure that the chemicals don’t harm your houseplant.

With a little care, Silver Monstera makes a beautiful and easy-to-care-for addition to any indoor space.


The plant prefers to grow in partial shade, but it will tolerate full sun if necessary. The ideal lighting for the silver monster is bright indirect light. The plant does not like to be in direct sun for long periods of time, as this can cause the leaves to scorch. 

If you are growing the silver monster indoors, place it near a south- or west-facing window. The plant will also do well under LED grow lights. 

Temperature and Humidity

Siltepecana plants require high humidity and warm temperatures, and even small deviations from these conditions can result in leaf drop or other problems. 

For best results, Silver Monstera should be kept in a room with an average temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of 60-80%.

Interestingly, these plants, especially during their juvenile stage, resemble their natural habitat so much that they can even be successfully grown in terrariums!

If that’s not an option, even humidifiers can help, as can placing your Monstera on a tray of pebbles. Pebble trays will allow you to provide the right level of humidity to the leaves without oversaturating the roots.


Silver Monstera is relatively easy to care for, but it does require regular fertilization to maintain its healthy growth. The best time to fertilize Silver Monstera is during the growing season, which typically runs from spring to fall. 

During this time, the plant will be actively producing new leaves and roots, so it will need a steady supply of nutrients. Apply a general-purpose fertilizer every two weeks, or use a liquid fertilizer every week at half-strength. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, as over-fertilization can damage the plant.

Pest and diseases

Silver Monstera are beautiful, easy-to-care-for plants that are popular among indoor gardeners. However, like all plants, they are susceptible to pests and diseases. 

Some of the most common problems Silver Monstera face include root rot, mealybugs, and spider mites. While these pests and diseases can be a problem for Silver Monstera, they can be controlled with regular care and attention. 

Root Rot

Root rot is a common problem for houseplants, but it can be tricky to diagnose and treat. The first sign of root rot is usually wilted or yellow leaves, followed by stunted growth. If the plant is not getting enough water, the leaves will dry out and turn brown. 

However, if the Monstera Siltepecana plant is getting too much water, the leaves will stay wet and begin to rot. The roots may also become black or mushy. If you suspect that your plant has root rot, it is important to act quickly. 

First, check the roots to see if they are discolored or mushy. If they are, remove them from the pot and replant in fresh soil. Make sure to water the plant regularly, but do not allow it to sit in water. Root rot can be difficult to treat, but catching it early can help prevent permanent damage to your plant.


Mealybugs are small, wingless pests that love to feast on the sap of houseplants. Mealybugs can quickly become a problem for indoor plants, as they reproduce rapidly and tend to congregate in large numbers. 

Not only do mealybugs damage plants by sucking out vital nutrients, but they can also spread diseases. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to get rid of mealybugs and prevent them from coming back. 

One of the simplest methods is to wipe them off with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol. You can also try using an insecticidal soap or neem oil. If your plant is particularly infested, you may need to use a systemic insecticide.

However, it’s always best to start with less toxic methods and only resort to chemicals as a last resort. In addition to treating existing mealybug problems, you can also take steps to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Be sure to inspect new plants carefully before bringing them home, and quarantine any that show signs of infestation.

Spider Mites

Spider mites are tiny pests that can quickly wreak havoc on houseplants. These pests are notoriously difficult to control, and once they establish themselves, they can be hard to get rid of. 

The first step in treating spider mites is to isolate affected plants from the rest of your collection. This will help to prevent the pests from spreading. Once you have isolated the affected plants, you need to take action to kill the spider mites. One way to do this is to spray the plants with a forceful stream of water. 

This will knock the spider mites off of the leaves and stem, and it will also help to break up their webbing. You can also treat plants with insecticidal soap or neem oil. These products will kill the spider mites on contact, and they can also help to repel future infestations. 

Finally, make sure to keep an eye out for early signs of spider mite activity, such as webbing or discolored leaves. By taking these precautions, you can help to prevent spider mites from damaging your houseplants.

Common Varieties and Cultivars

Monstera plants are a popular choice for indoor landscaping due to their large, glossy leaves. There are many different varieties of monster plants, each with its own unique leaf shape and size. 

Aside from Silver Monstera, some of the most common varieties include Monstera deliciosa, Monstera adansonii, and Monstera obliqua. Monstera plants can also be found in a range of different colors, from green to yellow to pink. 

While most monster plants prefer to grow in shady, humid conditions, some cultivars are more tolerant of sunny locations. Regardless of the variety, monster plants are sure to add a touch of tropical elegance to any home.

Some other popular plants in the Monstera genus to grow include:

  • ‘Adansonii’
  • ‘Dubia’
  • ‘Albo Variegata’
  • Swiss Cheese Plant
  • ‘Borsigiana’
  • Monstera Peru


Is Monstera siltepecana hanging or climbing?

Monstera siltepecana is a climbing vine by nature. It uses aerial roots to attach itself to surfaces like tree trunks or other structures, which allows it to climb and grow upward.

Is Monstera siltepecana fast growing?

Yes, Monstera siltepecana is considered a fast-growing plant, especially when provided with optimal conditions such as bright, indirect light, well-draining soil, and regular watering. It can grow quickly and produce new leaves regularly under the right care.

Can you grow Monstera siltepecana in water?

Yes, Monstera siltepecana can be grown in water as part of the propagation process.

What’s the difference between Monstera Siltepecana & Monstera Siltepecan El Salvador?

Monstera siltepecana and Monstera siltepecana ‘El Salvador’ refer to the same species of plant; however, there may be slight differences in the plant’s growth patterns or leaf coloration based on the specific environment or growing conditions in El Salvador. Typically, Monstera siltepecana has smaller leaves compared to other Monstera species, with distinctive silvery patterns.


Monstera Siltepecana is a beautiful and easy to care for houseplant. With just a little bit of TLC, your Silver Monstera will thrive and grow beautifully. Follow these simple tips to get started growing your own houseplant collection with the Silver Monstera today!

*image by firn/depositphotos

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