hanging plants that keep mosquitoes away

5 Hanging Plants That Keep Mosquitoes Away: Your Stylish, Bug-Free Zone Guide

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Imagine sitting in your garden on a warm summer evening, only to be interrupted by the incessant buzzing of mosquitoes. It’s a common scenario, isn’t it? But what if you could enjoy your outdoor space without the nuisance of these pesky insects?

In this article, we’ll explore the surprising power of hanging plants that not only beautify your surroundings but also keep mosquitoes at bay. You’ll discover how certain plants emit natural repellents that mosquitoes find unappealing.

So, let’s delve in, and transform your garden into a mosquito-free haven with the right choice of hanging plants.

The Importance of Using Hanging Plants for Mosquito Control

Understanding the significance of using specific hanging plants for mosquito control is essential when planning your green oasis.

Eco-Friendly Benefits

Using hanging plants to shoo away mosquitoes presents an eco-friendly solution to insect-control. These plants emit natural repellents that are safe for the environment and non-toxic to humans and pets.

What’s more, it’s a solution that doesn’t involve additional waste or harmful chemicals, like traditional mosquito repellents. Choosing this green option, you’re not just solving your mosquito problem, but also doing your part to protect the world we live in.

Enhancing Your Living Space

Beyond mosquito control, hanging plants can greatly contribute towards beautifying your living space. They add a splash of green, create a serene environment and enhance the overall aesthetic of your home.

On the functional side, these plants also improve air quality by removing common pollutants. Sitting in a mosquito-free garden filled with beautiful hanging plants, you’ll find an entirely new level of enjoyment and relaxation.

Top Hanging Plants Known for Repelling Mosquitoes

Let’s dive into a world of nature’s aroma while keeping the mosquitos at bay. The list of plants we’re about to explore adds a breath of fresh air to your space while deterring these pesky insects.


You may well associate lavender with a calming scent and sleep-inducing properties, but to mosquitoes, it’s less than appealing.

Lavender plants secrete a flavor mosquitoes find distasteful. Hang them around your patio or outdoor space to enjoy a mosquito-free environment while basking in their delightful fragrance.


Often, you’d find Citronella in bug repellent candles and sprays, but why not go straight to the source?

The Citronella plant is known for its strong odor that mosquitoes can’t stand. It’s most effective if you plant it in a hanging pot where its scent can spread, shooing away the mosquitoes.


yellow orange marigolds

Marigolds offer an easy-growing and vibrant solution to your mosquito problem. These sunny flowers contain Pyrethrum, a compound found in many insect repellents. They’ll add a pop of color to your space and can keep any mosquito population under control.


If you love cooking, then Basil does double duty for you. These fragrant herbs don’t just spice up your meals, they also keep mosquitoes away. By planting basil in hanging pots around your outdoor space, you can make a delicious pesto and keep pesky bugs at bay at the same time!


rosemary plant

Rosemary is more than just a flavorful herb; it’s a powerful mosquito repellent too. This aromatic plant helps to create a pest-free zone. It’s a perfect choice for hanging pots near BBQ areas or patios where its scent can shroud your gathering, creating a comfortable and mosquito-free atmosphere.

How to Care for Your Mosquito-Repellent Hanging Plants

Getting rid of mosquitoes does not have to be an uphill task. With the right hanging plants and proper care, you can keep the uninvited guests away while adding beauty to your outdoor area.

Adequate Sunlight and Shade

For your mosquito-repellent hanging plants to thrive, strike a balance between sun and shade. While natural light fuels the growth of plants like Lavender and Citronella, too much sun can harm them.

Position your hanging pots where they can get about 6 hours of morning sun, then some gentle afternoon shade. Remember, proper sunlight not only boosts your plant’s growth but also enhances its mosquito-repelling properties.

Watering Requirements

Watering may well seem simple, but it’s a vital part of grow plant care. Most mosquito-repelling plants prefer well-draining soil, so be careful not to let water sit in the pot.

Always touch the top layer of the soil; if it feels dry, that’s your cue to water the plant. Water until it drains out the bottom, but don’t let the plant sit in standing water. Overwatering can cause root rot and other harmful conditions.

Creative Ways to Display Your Mosquito-Repelling Hanging Plants

Showcasing your mosquito-repelling plants doesn’t have to be dull or predictable. There are numerous creative approaches to display these useful plants both inside and outside your home.

Ideas for Outdoor Spaces

  1. Pergolas and Gazebos: These structures add architectural interest to your backyard or patio while offering hanging spots for your plants. Mix your mosquito-repelling varieties with some vibrant flowers for a pop of color.
  2. Fence Hooks: Opt for hooks on your fences to hang plants at varying heights. This not only optimizes your space but also adds a welcoming touch to garden boundaries.
  3. Tree Limbs: Your existing trees can serve as natural hosts for your hanging plants. This gives your garden a whimsical touch and works very well with the likes of lavender and basil.
  1. Windowsill Gardens: The ample light by the window creates a perfect setting for marigolds and rosemary. Pair these plants with some colorful pots for an eye-catching indoor garden.
  2. Hanging Shelves: Installing shelves on a vacant wall allows for displaying of your plants in style. Given that citronella enjoys indoor conditions, it’s an ideal choice for this setup.
  3. Room Dividers: Get creative with room dividers that also serve as plant holders. This multi-functional piece gives your indoor space the benefit of a green barrier that keeps mosquitoes at bay.

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