aralia plant

Growing and Caring for Aralia Plant (Spikenard)

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Isn’t it nice to see how the leaf color changes during fall? Are you one of the plant lovers who give off those fall vibes inside your homes? If you are that type of person, then the Aralia plant is perfect for you.

This deciduous shrub from the Araliaceae family will surely fit your collection with its attention-grabbing and color-changing leaves. What makes it better is that it can either be an indoor or outdoor plant.

Despite its unique appearance, some growers are cautious about Aralia plants because of their prickles and low toxicity. Common problems related to its toxicity are skin irritation upon contact with the plant’s bark and roots. Also, ingestion of the unripe berries, bark, and roots may lead to nausea and gastrointestinal irritation.

Accidental harm caused by the aralia plant can be easily avoided by choosing the right place to put it and placing some warning signs. Read on to know how to properly grow and care for this magnificent plant.

Plant Facts

Scientific nameAralia sp.
Common namesSpikenard, Hercules’ Club, Prickly Ash, Prickly Elder, Devil’s Walking Stick, Ming Aralia, Elk Clover, and Angelica Tree
Plant TypeOutdoor plant or Houseplant
Height and Width4-8 ft. tall (indoors), 2–4 ft. wide (indoors)10-35 ft. tall (outdoors), 6-10 ft. wide (outdoors) depending on the species.
OriginAsia, Different part of America
Flower colorsCream, White, Light green
Foliage colorGreen, Orange, Yellow Fall Colors: Brown, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Red
Sun ExposureFull Sunlight (>6 hours of uninterrupted and direct light)Partial shade (2-6 hours of direct and uninterrupted light)
Soil Type & pHWell-drained, Moist, Wide areas (12-24 feet planting space), Slightly acidic soils (6-6.5 pH)
Special featuresLow Maintenance, Slow grower, Good for Containers, Interesting foliage, Thorns, Low Toxicity

How to Grow an Aralia Plant

There are two ways you can grow your Ming aralia plant, as an indoor potted plant or as an outdoor landscape plant. Most requirements are the same regardless of where it is planted, however, there are some modifications to be done.

The aralia tree thrives in USDA zones 4 through 9 and is commonly found in mountainous areas or near the coasts. Having said that, the plant loves to be in a moist and humid environment. Moreover, its blooms present themselves during fall and summer. 

The color change of the foliage and flowering is a good combination giving an enchanting performance during fall. If you want to have a row or a corner of Aralia plants, here is some information on how to grow them.


Aralia plants can be propagated through stem cuttings, division, or seeds. The best time to propagate Aralia plants is in the spring and summer, when the plant is actively growing.

For stem cuttings, select a healthy stem that is between 4-6 inches long with at least two sets of leaves. Remove the bottom leaves and dip the cut end in rooting hormone before planting it in a pot filled with moist potting soil. Keep the cutting in a warm, bright location until it roots.

Aralia plants can also be propagated through division or seeds.


This plant thrives in fertile soil. It also needs soil rich in nutrients, organic matter, good drainage, and porous. These characteristics may be found in pre-mixed soil sold in different gardening stores. 

However, if you have garden soil readily available and you want to use that, you may do so. Remember to pasteurize the soil to kill any soil-borne diseases and weeds. Between waterings, make sure its soil dry out entirely.

To improve the porosity of the soil, you may add peat moss or rice hull. In terms of the soil nutrient content, you may do a soil test to know what type of fertilizer is needed.


Pruning is not a major activity for Aralia plants. It may be done whenever it is necessary, meaning the removal of dried and damaged plant parts or when the leaves are exceeding their boundaries. Keep in mind that this plant has thorns that may cause skin irritation so be careful while pruning and wear protective clothing.

Repotting and Transplanting

As a slow-growing plant, repotting and transplanting aralia plants are performed every 2 or 3 years. They love to grow in a compact pot so when choosing a new container, pick something that is 2-3 inches wider. 

Start repotting by loosening up the soil bounded in the containers using a garden trowel. Wear gardening gloves when touching the Aralia plant. Remember to take caution to not damage the root system. 

Once you have uprooted the plant, fill ¼ of the pot with the potting mix and place the plant on top of the soil. Fill in the spaces in the pot with more soil until the base is completely covered. Slightly press on the edges on the base part to ensure that the plant is intact and won’t lean when watered.

A useful tip for successful repotting is the proper choice of containers. Since the Aralia plant loves occasional dryness and good drainage, choose a pot with enough holes in the bottom to avoid waterlogging. This will work well with loose and porous soil.

How to Care for Aralia Plants


Aralia plants love a moist but occasionally dry environment. Watering must be done when the soil is slightly dry. To know when to water, do the soil feel test. You will only need to use your finger and sound judgment.

To do this, you will need to stick your finger a few inches deep into the soil. Once you take it out, check if it is dry or still a bit moist. If it is the latter, hold off from giving water for 1 to 2 days.


Although these popular houseplants can grow in low light conditions, these plants grow faster when they are exposed to direct sunlight for more than six hours.

However, it can tolerate partial shade or bright indirect light, which means less than 6 hours of exposure but more than 2 hours. If you are growing aralia outdoors, plant it in an open area. On the other hand, if it is utilized as a houseplant, it is best to put it near a window where it can get direct sun in the morning. 

Some growers who want to take care of an aralia plant but have no space where bright direct light is available, opt for artificial grow lights. There are a variety of grow lights available in the market. This may be a bit more costly but it is worth it with this plant’s aesthetic quality.

Temperature and Humidity

Growing aralias in temperatures ranging from 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C) during the day and slightly cooler temperatures at night is ideal.

They prefer moderate to high humidity levels, ideally between 50% to 60%, which can be achieved through regular misting, placing a humidifier nearby, or using a pebble tray filled with water beneath the plant.

However, they can tolerate lower humidity levels, albeit with some leaf browning or drooping.

Protect Aralia plants from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations, as they are sensitive to cold drafts and prefer stable conditions to maintain healthy growth. Regular monitoring of temperature and humidity levels, along with appropriate adjustments, ensures a conducive environment for Aralia plants to thrive.


Fertilizer applications for houseplants are often done every 4 to 6 months. In doing so, the fertilizer is diluted in water with a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio. Dilution is done to avoid overfertilization and salt build-up since potted plants are more constricted and susceptible to these. If grown as an outdoor landscape plant, simply follow the recommended rates indicated in the fertilizer packaging. 

To promote more foliage growth, opt for a Nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Although, to be sure about what your plant needs, perform a soil test and check which nutrients need to be added.

Pest and diseases

This magnificent shrub does not have any serious diseases. However, it is still plagued by common houseplant pests, such as mealy bugs, aphids, and mites.

If you have been growing different houseplants, this may be a problem when the infestation worsens. These three are often the culprit of damages in most indoor plants. So, the moment you see this in one of your plants, make sure to check the others as well. 

Aside from insect pests, another common problem of Aralia plants happens below, where it is not that evident in one look. Their roots are sensitive to soil moisture. The best way to avoid this is by following the aforementioned watering technique and checking if the soil is dry enough to be watered. 

Waterlogging will lead to more complications and, when not addressed, cause root rot.

Leaf drop on an aralia plant can also happen if the soil dries out too much or if the room’s humidity is too high.

Common Varieties and Cultivars

Now that you know how to take care of your Aralia plant, here are some of the notable Aralia plant varieties and species you can choose from:

California Spikenard (Aralia californica)

These popular types grow in USDA zones 3-8. It can extend from 4 to 10 feet in height and it bears white flowers. Moreover, its dark green leaves change to golden yellow leaves during fall.

Devil’s Walking Stick (Aralia spinosa)

What makes it unique is its long blooming period when grown in tropical areas. Its blooms can last for the whole summer. Also, it can reach up to 20 feet high. Be careful with its berries because it is toxic.

Chinese Angelica Tree (Aralia chinensis)

This plant’s bark is poisonous but the roots are utilized for medicinal purposes. It grows up to 30 feet and bears white flowers in dense clusters. Fruits are juicy and dark violet.

Angelica Tree (Aralia elata)

The angelica tree is different from the previously mentioned species. It can grow up to 35 feet high and leaves grow up to 3 feet long. Flowering and fruiting are a bit difficult for this plant when utilized as an indoor potted plant.

Japanese Spikenard (Aralia cordata)

The Japanese spikenard is a fast grower, averaging 3 to 6 feet in height in a span of one growing season. Its white blooms are present during late summer and early autumn.

Check our guide on aralia sun king companion plants for more tips.

Japanese Aralia (Aralia japonica)

Its luxurious foliage is the main reason why people grow this plant. It has a lobed palmate leaf with 7 to 11 pronounced toothed lobes. Also, it has a leathery or glossy appearance. Moreover, this plant grows to 19 feet high and 6 feet wide max. Blooms are creamy-white and are showy during late fall. Its fleshy, small, and black fruits come shortly after flowering.

Balfour Aralia (Polyscias balfouriana)

Balfour Aralia (Polyscias balfouriana) is one of the common types of Aralia plant prized for its attractive, finely divided leaves and elegant growth habit.

With its lush, dark green leaves arranged in a compact, bushy form, Balfour Aralia adds a touch of tropical flair to indoor spaces.


What are the disadvantages of aralia plant?

Disadvantages of Aralia plants include their susceptibility to pests like spider mites and mealybugs, as well as their tendency to drop leaves in response to stress or environmental changes.

Does aralia need direct sunlight?

Aralia plants generally prefer indirect bright light. While they can tolerate medium light, especially in the morning or late afternoon, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight may cause their leaves to scorch.

Why is my aralia dying?

Aralia plants may decline due to factors such as overwatering, underwatering, insufficient light, pests, or root rot. Assess the plant’s environment and care routine to identify and address the specific issue causing its decline.

Can you grow aralia from cuttings?

Yes, Aralia plants can be propagated from stem cuttings. Take a cutting from a healthy stem, remove the lower leaves, and place the cutting in moist, well-draining soil or a rooting medium. Keep the cutting in a warm, humid environment until roots develop.

Do aralia plants bloom?

Yes, Aralia plants can bloom, but it is relatively rare indoors. When grown optimally, mature Aralia plants may produce small, inconspicuous flowers followed by berry-like fruits. However, most Aralia varieties are primarily valued for their attractive foliage rather than their blooms.


Aralias are beautiful plants that are easy to care for and have been loved as houseplants for more than a century.

It is also vital to know both the advantages and disadvantages of growing any plant. This article discussed the basic knowledge you need to know about Aralias. The basic aralia plant care information, as well as the toxic qualities, are brought to you so that you can decide whether or not to get one. 

See more: Aralia racemosa

*image by Akchamczuk/depositphotos

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