Would you like to expand your collection of lucky bamboo? Or perhaps you’d like to give a loved one a thoughtful gift. Whatever your reason, you don’t have to have green thumbs to propagate these plants. Read on for everything you need to know about propagating lucky bamboo.
Propagation By Cuttings
Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is easiest to propagate by cuttings, and this is how most of the plants you will find were grown. This plant typically grows from a bare, cane-like stalk with one or more leaf-bearing shoots growing from it.
You can make lucky bamboo cutting from both the lucky bamboo stalks and the shoots, which makes propagating new plants that much easier.
What You’ll Need
- A healthy lucky bamboo plant to take cuttings from
- A sharp, clean pair of pruning shears or heavy-duty scissors
- A pot with drainage holes of soil or a vase containing distilled or bottled water and at least an inch (2.5cm) of aquarium gravel or similar
- Rooting hormone powder (optional)
Taking Shoot Cuttings
Before taking cuttings from your lucky bamboo plant, make sure your scissors or pruning shears are sharp and sterilized. Using a dirty cutting tool can spread unwanted bacterial or fungal infections between your plants. To do this, simply wipe down the blades with isopropyl alcohol or alcohol wipes.
Now that your tools are prepared, start by cutting off the shoot. Take note, it is the shoot that should be cut and not the stalk. Your cut should be close to the stalk for a neat finish.
The cut shoot will be covered in foliage, and the bottom few leaves should be stripped off to create a section of bare stem at the base of the cutting. Dark green leaves that are left at the bottom of the cutting will only rot if plant lucky bamboo in soil or water.
Taking Stalk Cuttings
If you have a tall, healthy parent plant, you can take both shoot and stalk cuttings, to make two new new lucky bamboo plants. Cuttings from a bare, healthy stalk root well and will grow new shoots from the upper node. For the best results, make sure your cutting has at least 3 nodes.
Sealing With Wax
Sealing the cut stalk with candle wax can prevent drying out and infection from bacteria and fungi. You can use plain, unscented candles, or paraffin wax. Simply heat the wax until it becomes liquid and dip the top end of the lucky bamboo stalk where it was cut.
The parent stalk will grow a new shoot from the node below the cut, and if you’re lucky, maybe a second shoot from a lower node, creating a denser-looking parent plant.
Planting The Cutting
You can grow your lucky bamboo cuttings in either soil or water. Your cuttings can be placed individually in the growing medium, or if you’re growing lucky bamboo in water, you can tie them together in a bundle using wire or elastic bands.
For growing in soil, simply push the cuttings into the soil to a depth of about 2 inches (5cm). In water, you will need some river pebbles or aquarium gravel to keep them in place. Dipping the ends of your cuttings in rooting hormone powder will improve rooting and speed up the process, but is not strictly necessary.
If you choose to grow your lucky bamboo in a well draining potting mix, ensure that the soil allows excess water to drain away effectively, preventing waterlogged conditions.
An important point to remember about lucky bamboo is that these plants are sensitive to the chemicals in tap water. To be on the safe side, always use bottled, reverse osmosis, or distilled water for these plants. These types of water help prevent the accumulation of harmful substances that could adversely affect your lucky bamboo’s health.
How Long Does Rooting Take?
Rooting happens very fast with this plant and results can be visible in as little as 2-4 weeks. Once the roots have developed, you can move your cuttings from water to soil, or leave them where they are in soil or water.
Will lucky bamboo root in water?
Yes, Lucky bamboo can root in water, making it an excellent method for propagation. Simply place cuttings of lucky bamboo in a container of water, ensuring the nodes are completely submerged, and roots should develop over time.
How do I get my lucky bamboo to grow more branches?
To encourage lucky bamboo to grow more branches, you can prune the main stem slightly above a node where you want new growth to emerge. This can stimulate branching and lead to a fuller plant over time. Additionally, providing adequate light and nutrients can promote healthy growth and branching.
Can I cut lucky bamboo in half?
Yes, you can cut lucky bamboo in half if you wish to propagate it or shape it into a shorter arrangement. Ensure to make a clean, sharp cut with sterilized pruning shears, and consider placing the cut end in water to encourage root growth if you plan to propagate it. With proper care, both halves should continue to grow.
The only thing better than a healthy lucky bamboo plant is 2 lucky bamboo plants, and the more the merrier! Propagating these wonderful houseplants from cuttings is easy to do at home by following the simple tips in this article. Don’t forget to see more lucky bamboo care tips on our blog.